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We are officially in Phase 2! What an odd feeling to be able to dine out and go shopping in the physical stores again. It has been incredibly difficult for a lot of us, but we made it through. As our lives enter to a new stage of this pandemic, let us remember to take care of our own well being first. Many times, we put ourselves last. We have so many things to do, so many people to care for. But if we are not in the right mind space, we are impeding our own effectiveness in our daily task. Here are the remaining few insights that I have picked up from Yale University Professor Laurie Santos's lecture, The Science of Well Being, which I hope will help.

03 Check your surroundings

Our environment affects our mood more than we think, it also has the power to affects our judgement. In the study on food and surrounding, they noted that those with junk food on display have a higher chance of having obesity. Surround yourself with things that increases your mood. It would be photos of memorial locations or things that are aesthetically pretty.

One of the best feedbacks from our customers is for our hand towels. Whenever they wash their hand, admittedly a lot more during this period, they would notice the embroidery on the towel and be reminded of all the memories that comes with it.

04 Replace your emotions

It is usually difficult to focus on more than one emotion. Instead of fear, anxiety, anger, replace it with gratitude. Other than thinking of just the good memories, think about how you would feel if that never happened. With your family, imagine if you didn't have them in your life, or your current job, what was it like before having this job or when you were finding a job. Bring yourself back to the first day of work, or the emotions you felt the first time you met your child or your partner. Asking ourselves those questions, or putting ourselves back in those situations will give us a deeper appreciation of where we are and what we have today.

05 Social Connection

Based on the research by the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the world's longest studies of adult life. The happiest people in the world are the ones those who have good relationships. Investing in your relationships could come in many forms, 5 love languages are good way to do that. Though some aspects of those languages like "physical touch" and "acts of services" might be difficult for those who are apart right now, but there are still many things that we can done actively with technology. Send a gift, video call, write a letter etc!

But beyond our intimate relationship, even simple small talk to strangers you meet along the way give a boost to our mood. Give an encouraging word to the counter staff or your delivery man will usually put the both of you in a better mood.


We are finally at the tail end of the circuit breaker, slightly less than a week before the island wide circuit breaker is lifted. What we really need to focus on is our well-being. There are some days where I am struggling, especially the times where I felt a wave of anxiety over me. I came across Yale University Professor Laurie Santos's lecture on The Science of Well Being, and picked up some really good habits that have increased my overall well being. I believe that they will help you too:

01 Showing Kindness

Did you know that studies have shown that showing kindness increases our overall mood even if the act is small or simple. The same $20 spent on other make us happier compared to spending the same $20 on ourselves. Take the time to send food or gifts to your friends and loved ones. And if you need some inspiration, check out our gifts under $20.

More importantly, show kindness to yourself. Be patient when things are not going smoothly. You are doing a good job. Give yourself some slack.

“Happiness consists more in conveniences of

pleasure that occur everyday than in great pieces of

good fortune that happen but seldom.”

- Benjamin Franklin -

02 Meditation

It is very easy to reminiscent about the past before CB or to ponder about what the future holds, but it is important to focus on the now. Studies have shown that pondering about negative or even neutral situation decreases your mood. Meditation forces your brain to concentration on the present. Just 5 minutes of pausing, non doing, patience, does your mind good.

03 Savour

As I mentioned earlier, pondering on thoughts usually dampen your mood. But positive memories increases them. Look at photos and videos of good experiences! Take time to enjoy the little things in life. Savour that cup of coffee, or that home cooked meal. Write an entry in your gratitude journal to remember that there are still many things to be grateful for.

We hope these little key insights will help you even if it's just a little. If you know of someone who might need to read this, forward this blog post to them. Stay tune to next week for a few more insights.


As mentioned under "01 showing kindness", acts of kindness increase not only the recipient's mode but yours as well! For some inspiration, head to our website for some great value for money items for under $20 which you can check out!

We really want to bring a little more happiness in the world especially during this dark time. We are continuing with our free island wide delivery with no minimum spend till the end of the month. We hope that this will bring a little smile to your face.

Stay safe!

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